Do You want to connect to WebSocket servers in Flutter apps? If your answer is Yes, then today I am going to show you fast and simple way to connect Flutter app to WebSocket Server using WebSocket class in dart:io library.
What is WebSocket Server
WebSockets are widely used in web apps to provide bidirectional communications between browser and server. They can also provide real-time updates of data in the backend.
We should keep in mind that WebSockets convert their HTTP connection to a WebSocket connection. In simple words, a WebSocket connection uses HTTP only to do the initial handshake (for authorization & authentification), after which the TCP connection is utilized to send data via the its own protocol (hybd).
Connect WebSocket server in Flutter App
If you already have a WebSocket server that interacts with the web app running in the browser, you may also want the same feature to be available in Flutter apps.
WebSocket class in dart:io library can be used to implement the WebSocket connections.
The static WebSocket.connect() method connects to a WebSocket server. You need to provide the server URL with scheme ws or wss. You can optionally provide a list of subprotocols and a map of headers.
The return value of connect() method is a Future object. WebSocket class implements Stream class, so you can read data sent from server as streams. To send data to the server, you can use add() and addStream() methods.
In bellows code example, the WebSocket connects to the demo echo server.
WebSocket.connect('ws://'). then((WebSocket webSocket) { webSocket.listen(print, onError: print); webSocket.add('hello'); webSocket.add('world'); webSocket.close(); }).catchError(print);
By using listen() method to subscribe to the WebSocket object, we can process data sent from the server. The two add() method calls send two messages to the server.
You can learn more about the WebSocket class and its all avilable proertise on Dart Doccumentation. You also can learn more about WebSocket on Flutter doccumentation.
If you still find it a bit confusing about WebSocket class, do reach out to me on TwitterΒ or add your comment in the comment box below.
Happy coding. ππ