Xcode Shortcuts the iOS Cheat Sheet

Xcode is an Apple’s integrated Development Environment for macOS. To develop Native Android App, we use Android Studio and for developing IOS app, we need Xcode.

We can use Android Studio on macOS, but we cant run Xcode on Windows OS, we must have a macOs to run Xcode.

If you are new in Xcode or in IOS app Development, then this Cheat Sheet will be very helpful to improve your productivity and working speed.

If you are new in app development, then you should remember that, even if you build your app using Flutter, you need Xcode to build IOS app. This is same for Android, you need Android Studio to build the Android app, even though you build your app suing Flutter, React Native or even using Ionic Framework.

Here, I am not going to share all the shortcut for Xcode, because thats not my intention for this post. Today, I am going to share only those shortcut for Xcode which we use as an IOS app Developer.

Xcode 12 Cheat Sheet for IOS Developer

You can use your note to save this Xcode shortcut, because no one can remember everything on first use.

I will divide this Xcode Cheat sheet in Three section, so that you can copy and save on your desktop as sticky note.

To create sticky note, you may use Stickies, which you will get in your app list as default app.

Working with Code

Command + [ : Shift line left
Command + ] : Shift line right
Command + / : Toggle comment
Command + Control + J : Jump to definition
Command + Shift + F : Find in project
Comamnd + F : Find in file

Navigating Xcode

Command + Shift + Y : Toggle Debug Console pane
Command + 0 (zero) : Toggle Navigator pane
Command + Option + 0 : Toggle Inspector pane
Command + Option + Enter : Toggle Preview canvas
Command + Shift + L : Open Object Library
Command + Control + Left/Right Arrow : Go back / forward

Running your project

Command + R : Run project
Command + . (dot) : Stop project
Command + B : Build project
Command + Shift + K : Clean project

As I mentioned earlier, you can either print this or can save as sticky note on your desktop to use Xcode like a pro!

This Xcode Cheat Sheet will works on all the latest version version o Xcode, including Xcode 10, Xcode 11 and also Xcode 12.

If you still not find your desire Xcode shortcut, then you always should check Official Xcode documentation. You also can ask in comment, I will try to reply your desire shortcut key for Xcode.

Happy Coding in Xcode and start to develop an awesome IOS app.