Junior Developer cv

Are you planning to apply on a Junior Developer position? Is your Cv/Resume is perfect to present you as a Junior Developer? If not, Then you really need an effective CV or online profile to find your first dream job.

Dose not matter, you are an iOS developer, Android developer, Software Developer or even web developer. Writing a perfect as a Junior Developer is little bit confusing.

Here is some advice from my experience on how to write a perfect Junior Developer CV, both in substance and in form. šŸ˜‡

What Employers Expect from a Junior or an Entry-level Developer ?

Before jumping headlong into the shape of your CV, it is essential to look at the “substance” and what a recruiter, CTO, Hiring Manager, HR, CEO is looking for. What does a junior developer expect? What will he judge?

Obviously, you cannot judge a newbie developer the same way as an experienced developer (precisely because of the lack of experience). A smart employer will therefore be more interested in the following points:

  • Basics: Technical skills or theoretical knowledge.
  • Seriousness: Thoroughness and involvement in order to improve.
  • Motivation: To learn quickly, well and overcome difficulties.
  • Honesty: Someone who does not “oversell” themselves or conversely who does not devalue themselves.

Tell yourself that hiring a junior developer is a long-term investment for a company because it must be trained before it is 100% operational. Itā€™s a gamble on the future and it takes time and resources internally.

For example, here are some the of questions a recruiter will ask:

  • Is he/she: Passionate (and)? Motivated (and)? Ready to get involved? Stable?
  • Does he/she have: Theoretical bases? Good learning skills? A specific training? A portfolio, GitHub? Recommendations from internship supervisors, teachers, etc.?
  • Can he/she: Learn and improve skills easily? Be operational quickly?

Remember, Your CV must therefore reflect your skills but also your state of mind.

Beside of all those things, analyse your own strengths and weaknesses: training, background, experience, skills, etc.

Correct as much as possible the “flaws” of your future application (for example by asking for recommendations from former trainers, by creating a GitHub profile etc.) and think about how you could highlight your strengths (while remaining as honest as possible obviously).

The content and form of the ideal CV (or online profile)

Whether on your CV or your online profile (Linkedin, Github, Portfolio, Personal websiteā€¦), you will make the difference by having relevant, clear and effective content (and a not too ugly design šŸ˜„). The main points are:

A Specific Job Objective

Make a choice and write it down clearly at the top of your CV: Are you aiming for a ā€œFullstack Developerā€, ā€œBackend Developerā€, ā€œFrontend Developerā€, “iOS App Developer” position? On “JavaScript”, “Java”, “Python”, “PHP”, “Swift”, “SwiftUi” etc?

When leaving training, we are often tempted to broaden the range of possibilities (because our skills are broad and we often lack expertise in a specific area). It is a mistake. Tell yourself that a recruiter is primarily looking for one or two specific skills. Great versatility is an asset but quite rarely a type of position.


  • The multiplicity of technical skills is a real plus, but always focus on one or two main skills to highlight.
  • If you have not yet decided on a specific type of position, it is better to write several CVs: one for each targeted job.
  • Do not forget to specify your date of availability and the desired location (in case of possible mobility).

Well-defined parts

“Training”, “Professional experience” and “Technical skills” are the 3 essentials, which can be supplemented by “hobbies” or “personal projects” (a big plus when you are a junior).

Let’s move on to the administrative information to indicate (Last name, First nameā€¦ that is obvious, isn’t it?)


If you are lucky enough to have completed training, more or less long, more or less recognized, clearly mention the date of your diploma, certification or end of studies, the nature of your courses, your classic or professional background. , learning etc, the pace of possible alternation, whether it was evening classes, intensive or extended training.

Professional Experiences

This is often the catch: the snake biting its tail! You do not yet have any professional experience but we ask you to do so in order to hire you! Above all, highlight any internships you have completed, without forgetting to specify the technologies used each time and the technical subjects on which you have worked.

Overall, be concise and prioritize based on what you think is relevant. Not all the topics you have worked on require details when you could develop more interesting ones.

Get to the point: Your college internship experience has no place, nor your unrelated summer jobs.

Also be specified in the dates (at least to the nearest month) of your experiences, training etc.

Tips: Make life easier for whoever reads your CV by avoiding counting the number of months you have spent on an internship, on a fixed-term contract or on a permanent contract: add directly the duration of each experience (see example above: “6 months “).

Technical Skills

This is what must be obvious. A recruiter will quickly find out which technologies you master the best. Again, be concise and do not list all the tools, software, languages, frameworks etc. that you have seen in your life from near or far.

A junior developer CV with more than a dozen technical skills is fishy: it is not possible to master all subjects when you are starting out. Highlight the main technologies on which you have worked the most (pro, personal or in training) and then list the secondary skills by limiting yourself.

An estimate of your skills can be appreciated and will mainly be used to compare your mastery of one technology against another.

Efficient (simple) design

A junior developer CV can and should ideally fit on one page (with some exceptions). It should be light and airy. Contrary to what you might think, a classic and simple CV is often the best choice! Avoid wacky designs, overflowing colors, huge images and overly original typefaces.

If you are looking for a position on the front, graphics, UX-UI design … the shape of your CV is obviously more important. Be careful not to overdo it: a CV is meant to inform and its design should not detract from it.

A recruiter must quickly find all the information they are looking for. You might be the thirtieth CV he reads of the morning, so keep it simple and efficient to improve your chances.

Special Tips

I did some interview session, also reviewed so many CV’s. What I saw in developer CV is, they don’t have any relevancy on their skills, showcased project and GitHub.

Remember, if you are planning to start your career as a Developer, then you CV must have all relevant information. Such as, added project showcase must be using your selected programming language, also your Github link and CV project link should be similar.

While I review any CV or write a CV for someone else, I always give priority on skills, experience and Portfolio. I always suggest to keep same information everywhere, even including your LinkedIn and GitHub Profile. And trust me, everyone who followed my instruction got 98% success rate on getting hired as a Junior or Senior Developer.

Following this tricks, You even can do better in Freelancing sector, such as Fiverr, UpWork as well.


The CV is therefore an important basis to establish, without too much fantasy, in a thoughtful, synthetic, clear and effective way. Remember that it is also (and above all) your investment in your job search that will make the difference.

A good CV won’t do you any good if you don’t reach out to a large number of potential employers.

Post your CV online, intelligently (and QUALITY) approach HR and operational staff who are recruiting, respond to relevant announcements and don’t wait for the job of your dreams to fall from the sky.

Your goal now is to land an interview and succeed. May Allah bless you with a successful Career as a Developer.

If you think, I missed anything or should add some more information, please let me know it via comment box.